This week water levels finally dropped low enough that we could get back into Koboke and we have been loving i … 続きを読む Koboke Awesomeness
Yearly Archives: 2019
sunny days
Are you ready for summer?
As summer is just about kick into Acton at Happy Raft, the guide Stuff is starting to grow with Fantastic guid … 続きを読む Are you ready for summer?
こんにちは! 今日はファミリー・キッズコースにおおぜいの子どもたちが来てくれました! ボートは5艇! 川の水は雨の影響でふえていて、日差しはもうしっかり夏日! みんなしっかり漕いで、泳いで、飛び込んでくれましたよー。 夏 … 続きを読む 今日は夏日でした!
こちら吉野川まだ少しジメジメした日が続いておりますがみなさまいかがお過ごしですか? 夏休みだ~!今日も元気なお子さん達が午前午後も泳ぎまくりの遊びまくりな1日でした! 雨も落ち着いてきました~いよいよ梅雨も明けそうですね … 続きを読む いよいよ梅雨明けか!?
Canyoning is a go!
Summer is just around the corner, and with the weather getting hotter so is the water. Our amazing canyoning c … 続きを読む Canyoning is a go!
Row Row Your Boat
There has been great team work this week on the Yoshino-gawa. The river has had some high water and we have ha … 続きを読む Row Row Your Boat